- Asteya: (Non-Stealing) and Its Role in Our PracticeAsteya: Non-Stealing and Its Role in Yoga Practice at Bakersfield Yoga At Bakersfield Yoga, we believe that yoga is muchContinue reading “Asteya: (Non-Stealing) and Its Role in Our Practice”
- The Power of Yoga Asana for Hamstring HealthWhy Care About Your Hamstrings? Hamstrings are often the unsung heroes of our daily movements. Located at the back ofContinue reading “The Power of Yoga Asana for Hamstring Health”
- Chandra NamaskarHonoring the moon in a yoga practice can be a deeply spiritual and rejuvenating experience. The moon represents the feminineContinue reading “Chandra Namaskar”
- The Mighty BackbendAren’t backbends pretty funny? We are so used to moving forward in our daily lives that I guess it justContinue reading “The Mighty Backbend”