Blogs – Where The Yogis Play Tue, 30 Nov 2021 23:08:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blogs – Where The Yogis Play 32 32 Ujjayi Breath Thu, 16 Sep 2021 02:04:13 +0000 Continue reading "Ujjayi Breath"]]>

Ujjāyī : ooh-JAI-yee

The breath training of the class. Ujjayi is the type of breathing technique we use as we move through our postures, this alone can simultaneously relax and energize you. It includes an inhale through the nostrils and an exhale through the nostrils. That may sound simple but without practice it can be rather difficult to find and perform while in a physical bind (one hand hooked under the leg to the other over the back).

Physical Benefits:

The vagus nerve is the heart of the parasympathetic nervous system. It’s the 10th cranial nerve and it controls the organs of maintenance – the heart, digestion, breathing and glands.

One way Ujjayi breath creates physical changes in the body is by regulating the heating of the body. The friction coming from the air passing through the throat and lungs generate internal body heat.

Ujjayi can calm the nervous system. Because Ujjayi breath stimulates the Vagus nerve, it gives a calming sensation to the nervous system.

According to the National Center on Health, a Yoga practice including Ujjayi breath may improve your concentration, sleep, and help manage stress.

Spiritual Benefits: Ujjayi breath, being the breath that carries life force, inspires deep inward exploration. Because of the controlled rhythm practitioners are able to maintain focus but like all elements of yoga, it requires practice, patience, and an open mind and heart.

Practice the technique:

In ujjayi breathing, both inhalation and exhalation are done through the nose. 

As you inhale and exhale:

  • Keep your mouth closed.
  • Constrict your throat to create an ocean sound coming in and out.
  • Use your diaphragm to house the oxygen.
  • Keep your inhalations and exhalations equal in duration.
  • Keep the tongue neutral, if difficult keep the tip of tongue to the bottom of the teeth.  

When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.

How I found my Yoga practice Thu, 25 Feb 2021 20:11:40 +0000 Continue reading "How I found my Yoga practice"]]> When I began my Yoga journey I thought the greatest part would be the individuality of the practice, then came the community. I loved the thought of being able to be in my own space. Taking the time to be with myself, consciously creating my own breath and working on myself. I found that but I also became in love with the community. I began my practice in a gym; which quickly led me to realize how bad my flexibility had become so I registered for an online yoga studio. I took class after class until i got bored of watching other peoples pre recorded videos, I needed a bigger vibe, I needed some connection. I found some live classes on Instagram but the reliability of them became scarce so I registered for my first ever in studio class and I was hooked. I signed up for a month membership and began looking for yoga trainings, which turned into a real game changer for me. (more on that in another post), and now i’m here. My favorite part of instructing Yoga is that end of class feeling when we all individually went on the same journey but together, (does that make sense)? My favorite part of teaching Yoga is providing a service to those around me, knowing I can give someone a tool to manage all life’s adventures. My favorite part of practicing Yoga is knowing I am setting myself up for success. My practice is my tool. I use it to maintain my body, to maintain my mind, and to maintain my energy; both spiritually and physically. I do other things here and there, but I am dedicated to my practice. Before Yoga, I don’t think I ever had the opportunity to stand wide legged with my hands out and just focus on my breath; or the confidence to do so. Now, get me into a warrior 2 and there is no telling when i’m coming back out. Any time and any where my body just craves a calming chin tuck . When i’m in a tense moment I automatically remember my breath and turn straight to it. Yoga has single handedly changed the way I handle life. I still like to exercise when my time permits but my Yoga practice is not as flexible. My Yoga practice does well for my body, it does well for my mind and i am confident in it’s tradition. The tradition of Yoga caught my interest much later than the physical practice did. At first i started Yoga because I knew I needed to stretch and I’m a sucker for vibes. I’ve found the vibe and i’m hungry for more. I am truly honored that you have decided to let me be apart of your journey. As your Instructor, Teacher & Classmate I promise to continue learning new skills and areas of this tradition to provide quality classes based on modern science and traditional values.
